Thursday, May 13, 2010

Welcome to the new Copyright Notice Page.

Copyright Notice Page so that I don't get sued.

All videos created by DragonD51 (me) are made solely for NON-Profit and FREE entertainment purposes only and NO money is made in anyway what-so-ever.

All software programs, hardware devices, video games, themes and any misc material such as Sony Vegas, Xbox 360, Audacity, Diamond VC500 One Touch Capture Device, Windows Vista are copyright protected under their original owners and is used with & without permission but with the most respectful manner possible.

Halo PC and Halo 3 are owned by Microsoft and Bungie.

Any machinima videos you see are (unless noted other wise) created, directed, voiced, filmed and publish by DragonD51 (me.. again).

Any Machinima videos made on the Xbox 360 or owned by Microsoft like Halo 3 are created under Microsoft's Game Content Usage Rules. Any other videos created with other games or other consoles that are not owned by Microsoft are created with the Rules in mind... to a more or lesser extent but still.

Any music both commercial, royalty free and other music created by other artistes + any sound effect used are used without permission but are use in the most respectful manner possible.

Any opinions and views of expression by any characters in any videos made by DragonD51 about anything like nations, stereotypes, religion, way of life, personal opinions of any kind do not reflect the opinions of DragonD51 or anyone or anything unless noted other wise. So don't get your panties in a bunch people.

Most if not all video will contain mild to strong cursing, text, sexual content, dialogue and other content not suitable anyone under 14 to 17. Viewer discretion is advise so... watch at your OWN risk people.

Unless noted: All original content and videos are created by DragonD51 (me)
so don't steal my vids or you get owned for copyright infringement.

Thank you for reading and understanding. -DragonheartD51.